Hei...back again!!!
So...so busy this past few days, what with the Christmas open house and well other stuffs to do but yeah...so here are some update....on the 29th Dec, Christmas open house at my place...a lot of people came but mostly family related and of course church friends....(although not all are invited...sorry) oh neighbours too...anyway, so yea the open house start at around 7pm till midnite and yes its quite OK lar, i can say its successful....and the amazing thing was that there's a lot of foods!!!! It was so unexpected eh...ther's even a turkey!!!!!!! (btw...it's quite yummmy...and its the first time i taste it!!!!!) Altogether there are like twelve dishes including the cakes....so yea its quite grand lar...orite enough talk more photos so here it is (photos taken from my phone camera so quality not really gud...sorry bout that)
Oh...i've been tagged by Liz (-.-)''' and i'm so not into this tagged thing but what the heck...
Start with 'this year I' and then write 20 things that you did this year. Then tag 7 people.
This year I:-
- Had the most fun...well at the 2nd half of the year at least....
- Graduated from Uni
- Go to KK for retreat with the youth
- Meet new friends
- Oh...close up with HM the sultan of Brunei....(^^)...i got the photos also....
- Work as youth coordinator for a month
- Experienced the worst interview ever (-.-)''
- Getting more involved with the church activities
- Involved in a play for the Christmas migrant party
- Got Christmas presents (this is unexpected!!!!)
- Oh....i'm refresh!!!! i've cracked my mask (confused??? hehehe not gonna tell u)
- Increased my book collection!!! (yea...bookish!!!)
- Got closer to God
- Had my first experience in teaching...
- Attended a great Christmask (Christmas) party!!!! (^.^)
- Tend to like household chore....lol!!!!
- Unemployed for most part of this year (not so proud here...and its not easy to find a job!)
- Learned how to save money...due to....(see above)
- Got to know a few very very close friends....(^^)v
- Oh yeah bought a new phone!!!! (^^) K618...
The 7 people I tag are: none....i dn't want to...
Oh...i just realised that today is the 31st Dec...the last day of the year 2008....new year is coming soon and yes...preparation, plan have to be made for the coming year...the year 2009....so yes to end this final post of the year 2008....i just wish everyone...my friends, family, everyone a very very happpy new year 2009!!!!!
Orite...until then gudbye!!!!! v(^^)v
Oh wait...i do have a few photos though before the camera go haywired!!!! (-.-)!@#$@$% Gosh, everything just have to go wrong when u're about to take interesting photos....someone in that party must have jinxed the camera....LOL (^^) just kidding!!!!
Anyway, here are the photos!!! And i guess that's all for now gotta go n do stuffs..orite gudbye! (^.^)v
Btw people, let's play the guess who game, shall we? Now who is the person behind the Jason 's mask??
Hei...i'm back...yesterday was a busy day...got to serve two masses, go to my uncle home for christmas and then had to attend the migrant christmas party....whew...so busy and a bit tiring oso...anyway, talking about migrant christmas party, it went well although it was raining...(you know...luckily the play i'm in is early...before the rain...f not definitely goin to be cancel....). The play Ok lar...the crowd like it i hope. Anyway, that's not why i write this post...what i intend to do is just to wish everyone i know...a happy, wonderful and blessed christmas.
Hei people!!!
M back again...sorry didn't update but hey!!! the wireless around my area is a bit crappy starting last friday!!! Just imagine...the connection is really...really slow that loading a page take like a few minutes and refreshing the page again and again so yeah!!! its quite crappy!!!
Anyway, moving on...now that Christmas is like a few days to come...its kind of like getting busy lar...i've got practice almost like everyday of the week and its practice for not only one event but two...one for the Christmas migrant party and the other one is for the mass which will be held on the 24th and the 25th Dec itself...but as always...for me its ok (^^) at least i'm not bored and like i've got something to do...oh yeah...and lets not forget that Christmask party which will take place a few days after Christmas!!!! I really can't wait for it!!!!!! *running around the room like crazy!* (^.^)
Hmm...what else ah...i know i want to write something when the wireless connection for the last three days not working at all....i know i need to write something but rite now i just don't remember....(-.-)'''''
Oh!!! Wait!!! Ok...now i remember...you know when i say that books better than movie when you know famous books are made into movie...well i found out that that is not true all the time...well...for twilight anyway, i haven't read it yet (but i will...i assure you) and i know this because from what my sister was saying as she's reading the book now and already in the 2nd book, she said the movie is better than the book. Hmmm...and she's probably rite!!! After hearing her talk about the book as compare to the movie, i think i can agree with her....but anyway, i'll try and read the book first lar before i can agree with her....just to be fair lar...after all i don't want to be biased...yea...so...i'll just write about what i thought about the book next time lar ah...after i read all the books....and read till finish the book i'm currently reading....
Okie...bye!!!!! (^.^)v
Eeeelo again!!!! (^^)
Anyway...yup...as you can guess i need some fashion advice!!!! *sigh* i'll be attending this party which will be held at the end of the month (not exactly..a few days before the 31st Dec actually...) and yea...i really have no idea what to wear for the party....*sigh* and me being me and i guess all of you out there who know me...i'm not that up-to-date with fashion and like i have no fashion sense at all...i just wear what i grab from my wardrobe and thats it...i rarely like spend my time trying to figure out what to wear and you picking the best clothing to wear....(-.-)'''' So...help?? ('.')??
Uh...talking about this party, its only a few days away...well..err...a week and a few days left actually and like man...i really need to figure out what to wear to look my best (its um...Christmas party i guess but with the exception of u know in this case its a mask party LOL!!!!! can't really wait till the day come!!!!!! ^.^)...anyway...talking about Christmas party...now i just remember sumthing again...Christmas!!!!! Christmas as in Christmas!! the 25th Dec 08....i must buy some presents to be given to someone (or probably someone with an s at the end...so that makes it more than one...)...i still haven't got the present yet...can't decide actually but...given the time i have left...i'm sure i'll be able to find something for the present....
Anyway, that's all for now i guess...need to go for server practice in a few....but before i end let me just um...post a wallpaper that i've made for twilight (^.^)v
As i mention its a wallpaper and fit for ur laptop or desktop screen i hope, yea...but before u try to copy or save it as ur wallpaper...can u just tell me...just drop a comment in the chitchat zone to tell me that ur downloadin, saving or copying the wallpaper Ok?
Orite adios!!!!
I'm trying my best to update my blog as frequent as i can from now on...but then again maybe cannot lar since i'm gonna get busy again with all the church work and oso my own...not that i'm working now but yea, i've got something to do (not gonna tell you all...MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!)...
Anyway, yea so...now for the update....i've added a few new song to the music players most of it from the movie twilight and also from the previous World Youth Day (which i missed (T.T) but nevermind the next WYD in 2011 i will go!!!) cd..
Ok...now talking about Twilight, i think i'm a bit obsess with it...LOL!!!! i know...i know...not obsess lar but sort of like on the way...(^.^)...its like everything now twilight...even my laptop wallpaper and my mobile theme...LOL!!!!!!
Anyway, enough about twilight....lets just move on to other stuff...okie...so lately very busy and like everyday have things to do...i got a play to rehearse (for Migrant Christmas party), server practice (for the 25th Dec 08) to do and planning for another great activity at the end of the year 2008 to do (this one i can't wait!!!!!)...*sigh* so many things to do eh...but but i'll endure it all just because i like to do these stuffs...well not really lar...as long as the job i can handle then its OK but what i don't like is that when all the job is thrown to you and you have to do it all with so few help or no help at all then that i don't like...(-.-)''' really...i mean from what i learned is that yes you can do the job but you alone cannot finish it or do it successfully...you also need help from other...(Hmmm... i heard this from some experience people also....so yea...) and believe me when i said that if you try to do it alone by yourself you'll end up stress and depress and that affect ur life so that everything you see will be like negative in ur view....(btw...this is my opinion and may not be applied to you who read this - wherever you are)...OK.....enough of that...i got carried away with my thought there...(-.-)'''
Anyway...yea so i guess that all....btw...i'm trying to create one wallpaper for Liz now...who i can say rite now obsessed (i'm not kidding!!!! LOL!!!! joke ah Liz) with Edward Cullen the main hero in the movie twilight (^_^), yeap so i guess i better do it now...
ok that's all from me....for now...
Until next time.....Chett Ratwood over and out v(^.^)v
Ok people!!!! So...so...sorry been gone from bloggin for so long...
busy bah and as you can see from above that's what basically happened. Rite now, m reading several books (yes...i know...i'm bookish!), let see...i read Sherrilyn Kenyon book 'one silent night', (so strange cause i'm suppose to read her book called 'Acheron' first before this book but since i can't find 'Acheron' so i just read the book...not much spoiled tho but i'm just a bit curious because there's new characters in the book...which i can say a bit shocking since this new character actually friend with the most unexpected character in the book and that this one other character in the book was willing to let this unexpected character go after being with him (here's a clue) for a long time...Oh, one more thing Nick (one of the character) is really...really unexpected is all i can say....If you want to know read the book...
Ok, moving on...another books i've read is by Nora Robert's 'Sign of the Seven' trilogy..the last book of the trilogy and what i can say is...it's so exciting!!!!!! I simply love it!!!!!! Should read !!!!
(Btw...one of the book that i really want to read the most is not on sale yet in Brunei!!!!!! (-.-)'''' its a book by Christine Feehan - Carpathians series - Dark curse)
So...so...enough about books (hehehe...every books i read pun i say interesting...so please don't trust me on this...when i say interesting it from my point of view and i'm not an expert to comment) Anyway yeah...i've been given a task by Jen to do a video of the ordination mass and well all i can say is i've done it but atu pun last minute wah...cause i have to go Limbang for a day to visit my grandad who was sick....swollen leg..yea so me and my mum go lar to Limbang and also while we're there and staying overnite, i hav the chance to visit baby J, my cute little cousin and guess what...he can walk now!!!!! (oh...i know i post a few photos of him...so just check them out urself ah....just browse my older post and you'll see it...^^)..so cute and adorable!!!!!
Ok...so yea...back to the video...its done and all i can say is that its ok lar...people like it...(i think -.-'''), and i would like to post it here but unfortunately uploadin it is crappy and seriously its suck!!!! (opss...pardon the language)...i tried uploadin it in facebook oso the same thing!!!! So yea i guess i just hav to post it next time and...oh wait...i'l try this blogspot movie uplaoder ah...
so ther.....(i hope this work...) *cross finger*
(Liz...i know u want to see this vid so much but sabar ah...) (^.^)
Okkkk...while waiting, let me just continue with what's been happening, so yeah...after gettin back home to Limbang straight away do the video and then attend meeting where i can say the meeting is loud and um...a bit hilarious...everyone keep on laughing at each others comments and this meeting is about the coming activity that the church young adult goin to do...(m not gonna bored u with the details...so malas to write them down anyway ^_^...)
M about to finish here...only one more thing...i've watch a movie today with friends and family (my sister) and we watched 'Twilight' the movie that people are dying to see...and all i can say is Ok lar the movie...dats all m goin to say....no more.
Ok so i guess that's basically sum up everything!!!!
Bah until next time v(^.^)v
Hello people...
Anyway...reached Seria, me blanja them pau....and of course after that attend the mass and its like it took 2 hrs to finish!!!! (instead of the usual 1 hr 30 min...not complaining here...) and this because the mass not only for confirmation but oso for the 1st holy communion....(that's y it take so long lar...). After that attend lunch and have some great fun...
Uh..oh!!! we also try to visit Nafi (i think this is the name...), its a shop i think located in the Gurkha (er...correct kah the spelling???) compound that sell confectionaries from outside of Brunei....unfortunately, it's close today (T.T).....(sia-sia pun with the chocolate....)
Not goin to elaborate more on the subject...cause i think its enough with the info and so i just leave you with some photos...check the link 'more photos' for the complete photos!!!
Orite, that's all ah...for now...(^.^)v
Until next time then...
Hello people!!!!!!
Well...here i am again...
Anyway, i've been having conflict and dilemma this pass few days...i know...i think i'm on the brink on a nervous breakdown...(er...no lar...i think?), but it feel like it...and my mood is swinging like crazy eh...one time i'm ok and the next i can go like mental just because of a small thing!!!! *sigh* U see? Thats why i said in the brink of nervous breakdown....
Oh...i'm at home now...my job is done...as i said from my previous post my friend came back and she's taking over her job back (altho she said if i want to help i just come ther and that i'm always welcome to help...)...and so i'm at home, going back to my ususal routine of waking up in the morning....eat breakfast....cook rice (well....not always my job....), then start with sweeping the floor of every rooms...vacuum carpet (again not always...), fold clothes, a bit of internet in the afternoon or reading books (the novel i bought)...then...cuci baju (again i do this alternately with my sis...n btw the machine is automatic...so just have to put all the clothes and let the machine do the job)...hang the washed clothes(again alternate job with my sis and bro)...watch a little bit of tv or ignore tv and continue read books...and then sleep at about 1 - 1.30am or 2.30am (if the book is so exciting ^^)....and then back again the next day.....yup, so thats wat i do...not that i'm complaining...i'll like to help...only if i'm not in the mood then i feel just not right.....
Orite then...i think i'm going to stop now...i'm starting to think i'm writing nonsense now...and that's not what my blog are for...and not what i plan to write in the first place....(-.-)'''
Ok people....gotta go....
So....today is December 1st....time sure fly fast....its almost new year now...only 30 more days and it'll b new year 2009....nothing much happening today though, just that my friend is back from her holiday and i guess my job as her replacement comes to an end today....(T.T).....so sad but then again, i'm always welcome to help....(^.^)v...anyway, as i said nothing much happening today, its just that i don't know....welll....watever lah....er...i don't know what to say or write...
Oh!!! Now i remember....tonight i just saw the most amazing thing!!! (You wanna know what i saw???) Well....its actually got to do with the sky tonight!!!! I just saw the sky smiling down at me!!!!!! Well...not really, it just one of those unique event that we rarely saw or notice....now, y do you think i say i saw the sky smiling at me??? Well...actually because at around 7-ish pm, there on the sky was a smiling face....made by two stars (planets actually....but they look like stars) and the moon...its beautiful wah!!!!! I've got the photos of it but unfortunately i took it with my phone camera so the quality is not that gud.....but still if u wanna see it...then here it is....
See...i told you the quality is not gud!!!! All you can see is one eye and the mouth, the other eye is missing cause its not shining that bright.....anyway, just for your info, the two stars are actually Jupiter and Venus (Yes!!!! the planets)...the bright one is Venus...while the not so bright one (the one missing in the photos) is Jupiter....from what my bro tell me...Venus is bright since it is in the earth orbit and Jupiter is not that bright since its out of orbit with the earth....make sense??? (i hope this is rite....)
Orite, enough with the sky smiling thingy, lets just go back to the part where my friend came back from her holiday....Ok, so she'd gone for a month holiday in her country and now she's back and she bring me something as a token for helping her out and you want to know what she brought me??? Well...its none other than the yummy, very tasty POLVORON!!!!!!!! And she gave me one whole pack where there are quite a few flavour to pick at *slurp*....i especially like the cream and cookie polvoron!!!! mmmmm.....yummy!!!!! *lick finger*.....here are some photos of the polvoron she gave me.....
Now for those who didn't know what polvoron is...i suggest you google it and see for yourself....
Anyway...thats all for today....
Oh...this is one random photo i took after i took the photo of the sky.....hehehe (^.^)v....(too excited and still in the mood of taking photos...can't help it!!!!!!)
Its a huge Dragonfly!!!!! Well not that huge lar...but you know what....this thing here is not scare of people....it just landed on the wall and we (me and family) like passing through and at a very close range at that and it never flew away!!!! In fact...it manage to scare us pulang (well me....) but thats cause every time i pass the place where this thing was...i always never see it until i'm quite close to it.....(-.-) pathetic kan????
Bah....with that i just end my post for today aitz???
Hei people...
Sorry for not being active for a few days.....so malas to write wah!!!! n kind of tired oso...
Anyway, to moro will b the last day i'll b substituting my friend and i guess the last day of work for me....then i'm gonna have to find a new job...(ah...so typical of my life....). My friend will b back my 2moro...at 10.30am if i'm not mistaken...Can't wait for her to come back...not that i want to finish the jod early....(^.^)v, its just that she'll b bringing something for me and the staffs (she insisted on this, we're not forcing her!!!!!). Yeah, so can't wait to see what she'll be bringing us back from her country....(^.^)!!!!!
Well...so, moving on...i've been replacing my friend for only a month and i guess you know this rite? Well...at some time in this one month...i hav to admit...the work is really challenging and sometime frustrating oso but sometime it was wonderful...you know the feeling of joy and happiness as when you know you have done the job well.....(u know wat i mean rite??), but ther is also time when you encounter wierd thing while doing your job and i must admit i experience it once while i work here....
So...let me tell you what happened....it was one of those plain, normal day and i went to work early...a bit early than i usually do...and when i arrived, i saw one of the youth whose i'm in charge of walking away from the church to go out and walk to school....(afternoon session wah the school...i think....), anyway, i was just out of my car when that youth (called the youth K lar ah...), greeted me...(and i greet K back of course) and i saw K walking out the St.George gate and move away under the hot sun....until can't see K no more...
When K is gone, i started to walk to my office and guess what!!!!! As i about to open the hall door to my office.....K came out and greeted me again!!!!!!!! I mean wat the.....!!!!!!!!! i just saw K leaving and now i saw K again!!!!!!! I mean....(-.-)??!!!!!!!!!! really? What the heck happened???
i tot i'm crazy oh!!!!!!! Until now i still don't know (havn't figure out) what happened on that day...
But then mayb my mind playing trick on me...mayb the one i saw leaving was another person - R - cause R and K goes to the same school.....I don't know eh...
I think the youth i mentioned here know who they are....can u just explain it to me...n please dnt tell me i'm crazy cause i know i'm not!!!!! (-.-)'''
Oh...oh...before i forget, i wanna wish happy birthday to a friend of mine...i know its a bit late...
But still...

Ok!!!! dats all for now....
bye v(^.^)v
Haih....kana tagged lagi...2 time lagi tu....
Oh well....so here goes: Thank gudness for technology!!! I can just cut and paste the Q's and just add my ans...(^.^)
1st tag.....
1. What do you do most for the time being? -> Me? i just like to surf, read books....
2. What is your favourite animal(s)? -> Anything cute including cute little froggy!!!
3. What is your one regret in life? -> ('.')?? no idea...
4. Who inspires you? -> A lot of people if u wanna know...
5. Tell me something i don't know about your family background. ->Why would i want to tell you? Ur a stranger to me and i don't talk to stranger
6. Do you believe you can survive without money? -> Mayb???
7. What are you afraid to lose the most? -> Anyone precious to me of course...
8. What can cheer you up from sadness? -> Err...i've no idea....m always cheerful (NOT!!)
9. Have you ever fallen madly, deeply in love? -> Uhmm.....
10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you. -> Ohhh her? Uhmm...she's a lot of fans, er....friendly and i never saw her angry even when her best friends make fun of her...
11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half? -> My other half? u mean my split personality? (^.^)v kiddin....
12. What's the best thing that happened to you? -> Again i've no idea
13. What is your ambition? -> Do i hav to answer this? M a soon-2-b-teacher
14. Describe your life in one word. -> OK
15. If you had a choice to be rich or happy, which one would you pick? -> Err...both can ah? i know so selfish of me...(-.-)'''
16. If you are told you can enter any university in this world, Oxbridge excluded, what university will you enter? -> LOL!!!!! UBD....seriously....
17. Who is the person(s) that you can share all your problems with? -> ........
18. How do you see yourself in 10 years time? -> I don't see myself that far yet.....
19. You accidentally deleted this question. -> I did? When? How? (*.*)???? 20. What is your dream job? -> Teaching??
I tagged all those who read this...and please NO TAGGING BACK!!!!
OK, moving on to the 2nd tag:
1. Put Your itunes, windows media plyer etc on Shuffle
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name
5. Tag 6 people.
Are you male or female? - David Crowder Band 'forever n ever' (?????)
Describe yourself. - Avalon 'testify to love' (well there u go...i tink...)
What do people feel when they're around you? - Matt Maher 'Overflow' (overflowing??? Is this what people feel when they're around me??)
Describe your current relationship. - Planet Shakers 'healer' (i'm healing from....)
Where would you like to be right now? - Chris Tomlin 'everlasting God' (yea...i want to b close to God!!!) How do you feel about love? - Rush of Fools 'Can't get away' (So true...you can't get away from love) What's your life like? - Mary mary 'Shackles' ( Is that enough?)
What would you ask for if you only had one wish? - Matt Maher 'I love you Lord' (soooooo true!!!!!)
Say something wise. - David Crowder Band 'God of creation'
If someone says "Is this okay?", you say? - Guy Sebastian 'Taller, Stronger, Better' (So true...i like to encourage ppl)
How would you describe yourself? - Planet Shakers 'not ashamed' (lol!!!! watever)
What do you like in a guy/girl? - Matt Maher 'Shine like the sun' (is that OK?)
How do you feel today? - Michael W Smith 'i can sing of your love forever' (i guess m happi!!!)
What is your life's purpose? - Chris Tomlin 'In the secret' (ther...its a secret...won't tell)
What is your motto? - Chris Tomlin 'How great is our God'
What do your friends think of you? - Darlene Zschech 'i will never be' (Huh?)
What do you think of your parents? - Nichole Nordeman 'Yuou are my all in all' (yup...they're my all in all)
What do you think about very often? - Planet Shakers 'Free' (yea...i always think about getting free)
What is 2 + 2? - Jaci velasquez 'On my knee' (make sense?)
What do you think of your bestfriend? - Planet Shakers 'All for love' (^.^)
What do you think of when you see the person you like? - 'The mighty burden of love' (LOL!!!!!)
What is your life story? - Chris Tomlin 'No greater love'
What do you want to be when you grow up? - Chris Tomlin 'Made to worship' (yup!!! worshipping God) What do you think of when you see the person you like? - (Hei...tis a repeat Q's!!!!)
What will you dance to at your wedding? - Chris Tomlin 'Indescribable' (yea...i want her to know that she's special!!!)
What will they play at your funeral? - 'In the Lord'
What is your hobby/interest? - Planet Shakers 'Open up the gate' (LOL!!!! i do like to platy with the gate) What is your biggest fear? - Planet Shakers 'Never let me go' (Fear of never letting go of my past)
What is your biggest secret? - Mercy Me 'I can only imagine' (i'm not gonna say it...)
What do you think of your friends? - Amy Grant 'Angels' (Woah.....so tru!!!)
What will you post this as? - Rush of Fools 'Peace be still' (please is the word)
Ah..so there you go!!! Finally done...
Oh same as above i tagged those who read this!!!! Even the person who tagged me in the 1st place if he /she read this...MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!
Orite then, dats all for today bye!!!!
Oh...some photos i took at my place of work.....when m havin a break just now....
Hei people,
Yesterday, as i said is one of my MAJOR assignment, right? Well...what do you know...it went soooo well!!!!! I'm so glad...and i like to thank everyone who help me with this assignment!! You know who you are people (^^)v...Oh!! Thank God also, cause i believe He had help me with my work....(yes!! i believe!!!!!)
Oh!!! and one more thing...you know i've involved (not really...) in helping the youth with the dance for a function starting today (the coordinator is Liz and the choreographer is Iz btw)...well what do you know!!! Again it work so well!!! And to tell you the truth, they did it much better than when they practice!!! Oh man...i'm so proud of them...i know i don't know them that well but still after a few week knowing them (some of them while others i know for month)...they're wonderful kids!!!! Each and everyone of them is talented and i say talented!!! I'm glad i know them...and become their friends...So guys...a congratulation to you all and i' sooooo proud of you guys!!! v(^.^)v!!!!
Oh...oh...man...i'm gonna cry now!!!! (T.T) (joke ler..(^^)...) But all the memory spend with you guys, you know in KK and here...Oh....oh....yea...its indescribable...and fun!!!
Gee...look what you have done to me...(LOL!!!)
Anyway, that's all from me for today....tomoro will be my last major assignment...*grin*...after that i'm free!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
LOL!!!! No lar, stil be working but my workload will not be that stressful and i'll be a bit relax i guess after tomoro....(",)
WAIT!!!!!! One more thing....HAPPPY ADVANCED CONFIRMATION to all the youth confirmandis from Bandar!!!
Also congratulation to the KB youth for their confirmation (i know its late....-.-) and also HAPPY ADVANCED ADVANCED CONFIRMATION to the Seria youth!!!!!
Orite, bye!!!!!
Orite, so today is the day i'm waiting for, my third major assignment is today...i've done the best i can, just some minor things to make sure now...like arrangement and preparation for the event tonite at 7.30pm...i hope i don't forget anything...i really hope so...cause seriously i really need this one to be successful!!!! Anyway, today as i reached my office, i notice a wedding is taking place in church...not sure whose wedding but yea a wedding and so even if i don't know whose wedding...
Eh? Wat m i rambling about here? that's not what i intend to write...
So...you know what? I just realised something yesterday...well, just that God work in mysterious way, you know...i've been praying asking God to help give me strength while i'm working here, asking Him to help me be brave and you know what? As i start to work, i've been bombarded with lots of phone calls (not really...)(whether to answer the phone call or calling out), communicate with strangers (er...parents actually....) and trying to accomplished administrative work which i've no experience (planning stuffs, ummm... dealing with transport, coordinating meeting and trip...etc lar) and many other small requests *sigh* i don't normally do well with these work...(-.-)''' (please note: not complaining here...). Anyway, so yea...just when i thought that God did not hear my prayer...i remember the story 'Evan Almighty', to the part where God was talking to the wife of Evan Almighty....remember that part?? well if you don't, watch the movie....so, yea...in that movie God was saying stuff like you know...umm...oh...just check below...(part of the conversation....)
" Let me ask you something, if someone pray for passion, do you think God will give him passion or did He give them the opportunity to be passionate?"
" If you pray for courage, did He give you courage or the opportunity to be courageous?"
" If someone pray for a family to be closer, do you think God will zapped them with warm, fuzzy feeling or did He give them the opportunity to love each other?"
So yeah, you see...therefore, when i remember this...then i realised that what happened to me while i work...is just what i'm asking for...by doing this job...i actually trying to make myself brave by doing all those phone call and asking favour from those working with me also. The same thing with strenght oso...everytime i felt weary and tired and about to give up, there are people (sometime unexpected people) there closed by to encourage me, to help me and i guess guide me...
See??? I'm not making this up you know...this is what i experience...even when i was having my TP in SMJA the same thing happened oso...
Anyway, that's all for now..got to work...(^.^)v
Hei...i'm back again...
Sooooooo...i've got two assignments (two MAJOR assignments) to do left before my job is done. Well at least i think it is...i'm not sure oso...mayb? ('.')?? Huh? wats dat? You don't know i'm working now? Really? you must be joking me...i did tell you last time rite? that i'm substituting a friend of mine from her job since she had to go back to her country...remember that in my previous previous post i did mentioned about my indecision of taking over the job?? (U don't?!! Oh man!! read my previous post!!!) Anyway, so i took the job in the end and for this month it seemed that there are 4 major events (plus 2 minor events) that i have to handle, sort of like assignments if you like, i'm not going to say what are the four assignments er...plus two of the minor assignments are but so far i manage to get three out of six assignments (1 major, 2 minor) ONE done out of FOUR MAJOR assignments!!! (0.o)?!!! ONE!!! Ayo...not so well done of you there Chett!!! You should do better!!!
Anyway, what's done is done, no need to think to hard about it rite? *sigh* But moving on...or i'll never goin to finish this...Well, where are we? Ah...so yea...the one that i get done (the only ONE so far (T.T)...the MAJOR one) has got to do with handling a retreat (opss!!! nah kedapatan tia...) (-.-)''' Anyway, so this assignment, atu pun i manage to handle because of the help of the others working with me, if not i don't think i'll manage!!! So thank you so much to those people who help me with my 1st major assignment!!!!
Now you must be wondering what happened to my 2nd assignment, rite?? Well, it actually went well but in the end i didn't manage to accomplished it was because something came up...a tiny little detail that i totally missed!!!! And so in the end it had to be cancel....you want to know what the assignment is...well...its planning the trip to KB!!! *sigh* i really feel guilty berabis you know when this happened and like i was so totally blaming myself and...err...not going to tell...some of my thought are private and only i should know...no sharing...anyway so yea...(Oh!!! did i mentioned to you that the 1st and 2nd major assignments are really really close? i mean like it happened two days in a row? well it did...and sadly a day before the 2nd assignment, i got my interview and the interview was like (-.-)!@$%^.....
Orite!!! Moving on...the two minor assignment that i did not mentioned just now...well they're just that...minor but still important...it's the youth sunday program...for the church yea...well i don't hav to elaborate on this...all you have to know is that its done and successful!!! (thanks to those who help me during this program oso!!!!!). K, so my next two MAJOR assignments will be held this week...Friday and Sunday...as usual those i work with help me again...(thank you...thank you!!!!) and i also do my part and so i hope this time both assignment will be successful!!!!
Anyway, i guess that's all from me...uhhhhh....what's this???? Oh!!!!! Chocolate!!! from Mark & Spencer!!!! Yummy!!!!!!
Orite...got to go.....*slurp**slurp* (Oh man...so gud!!!!)
Aiyo...i've been tagged!!! and like uhh...*sigh* watever, anyway, here's what i've gotta do...

So...so...i've got to tag 5 people huh?? So...let me see...i tag Azhim, Al bari, Hadi, Manny and Mod potter!!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Ah...dats done now...lets talk about other stuff...well...lets talk about the interview shall we?? *sarcastic* You know what??? The interview was....(-.-)!@#$%%^^&&!!@$%...
Really!!! after the interview i feel like punching or better yet being cruel to everyone!!!!! I really hate it so much!!!! (-.-)!@$$$%%#@!@@#....
Ok!!! enough!!! *deep breath**release*
Ah...feel a bit better, yea...its dat hard wah the interview...anyway, *sigh* i guess i'll just hav to leave it to God then, since He is the one that set and plan everything that i've done in this world...
So...wat else do i have to tell you...oh...my job..so far so gud...although i made some mistake here and there but those people i work with is gud to me and i really appreciate it so much!!! Thank you everyone...i may hav some small issues with some of them but not that serious and i think i'll be able to get thing through wit them...i know i did yesterday with one of them...(er...i think...), Oh...dats my 'office' there in the photos...hehehe...
Anyway, won't elaborate more and i guess that's all for now...got another event to plan and settle as soon as possible...so...
Cya next time people!!!
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Pocoyo 3515 years ago
- Happy New Year Everyone!!!!
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- In need of fashion advice....
- Hmmm...Obsession???
- Books...Limbang...Video...Meeting...Movie...
- An early trip to Seria....
- Nervous breakdown??? (Nah...i don't think so....)
- Nice day to start December....