So so so ...hei people...hrmm...its been a long time since i blog but what to so busy nowaday...anyway this is just a short update (^^)...n yes...m goin picnic this morning with friends (^^) was fun and absolutely intertaining (^^)....let see...we get to watched the sunrise...which i might say beautiful n refreshing (^^) n then of course we got BBQ n yes play some games (^^) was super super fun!!!!!!!

It end around 12pm tho n was overall a very great day (^^) glad i ask permission to replace my class to join this...oh...i dont have any photos but yea will post some as soon as i can get my hand on them.. (have to ask a few people for this...) and guess what!!!! A friend of mine try to fish and amazingly he caught one...not that big but also not really small...(i've the photos....n yea...well...stop wondering how i got the fish photo n not the rest of the picnic photo....i totally forgot about my camera phone ok?...(-.-)!!) So are some photos of the fish n also a short video of i don't know...random vid (^^)....

The fish

again the fish

another photo of the fish (top view)

the Catcher releasing his catch

The video (so so random this one...LOL!!!!!) n in case you're wondering...its actually big chunk of ice on top a heated charcoal....(^^)

Okie people that's all for now.....(^^)

Till next time (^^)v

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