
Change again

hello there,

anyway, a quick update....i've change my blog skin again (^^)....

Oh...n yea...its benn a long time since i blog n i must say m so malas to do it (^^)...

Will try though....

Anyway, thats all for now

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Interesting book...


I've just got this book called 'Get Off Your But How to End Self-Sabotage and Stand Up for Yourself' by Sean Stephenson and i must say its very good. i've only read a few pages though but still its so inspiring and really when reading it, you'll see this life in a very different way....i'm reading the 1st part of the book now and its basically describe this person life who was born with brittle bone disease and his story kind of made me think of my life, what i did as a very healthy n normal people.

What he said in the book made me think how all this time when i feel as if i'm suffering too much that its not as bad as i thought, that there are others who have greater suffering than i did experience. Apart from that, it alaso made me think how i've been taking everything for granted for example as a normal person we cn walk properly and play and all that when he as he said will not have that privilage..

Anyway, there are lot more to learn from the book and the story but yea...will try to put some more thought when i read more of the book...anyway, that's all for now...


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Videos as requested...

Hello bishop,

This is the video that you want...i hope its what you want (^^)..

Just tell me what u want to b adjusted so that i can work on it (^^)..

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