Well...so yesterday was d christmask party n like wohoo! It was fun, exciting n wonderful! Everyone wore masks of different style n yea it was a blast lar, lots n lots of laughter, v played games n wat can i say v have great fun! Not only for d guests bt also for us! I hope i can post photos of d event bt unfortunately d camera have lens problems! (-.-)'' so no photos lar...bt then again i guess i can ask Cathy for a few photos! So yeah, gonna wait for her to post the photos then gonna post it here..
Oh wait...i do have a few photos though before the camera go haywired!!!! (-.-)!@#$@$% Gosh, everything just have to go wrong when u're about to take interesting photos....someone in that party must have jinxed the camera....LOL (^^) just kidding!!!!
Anyway, here are the photos!!! And i guess that's all for now gotta go n do stuffs..orite gudbye! (^.^)v
Btw people, let's play the guess who game, shall we? Now who is the person behind the Jason 's mask??

Oh wait...i do have a few photos though before the camera go haywired!!!! (-.-)!@#$@$% Gosh, everything just have to go wrong when u're about to take interesting photos....someone in that party must have jinxed the camera....LOL (^^) just kidding!!!!
Anyway, here are the photos!!! And i guess that's all for now gotta go n do stuffs..orite gudbye! (^.^)v
Btw people, let's play the guess who game, shall we? Now who is the person behind the Jason 's mask??
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