cried. Her heart aching and breaking into a million pieces No..please...she begged. She finally realised her feeling for him and she was about to tell him how she felt but she didnt expect this to happen. Cradling his head to her thigh, hand tracing his beautiful face now smeared with crusted blood, his eyes closed, she cried her heart out begging him to wake up, begging him not to leave her. She should have never rejected him in the first place, after what he had done for her, after all the things they had done and the time spent together..she should have realise it then that she was falling in love with him but she refuse to acknowledge her feeling, refuse to believe it. She refuse to accept him.

Please...please wake up! She cried again. I love you, i love you. I love you and i'm sorry...she sobbed. Her tears flowing down her face. Please wake up...please...don't leave me!


She heard his voice barely a whisper. She looked down at his face, and saw that his eyes were opened. That beautiful brown eyes, that always looked at her with endless love.

Don't cry...i'm here, i won't leave you...

Even in pain, he still want to sooth her and reached for her. He tried moving his hand to touch her face but it must have caused him a lot of pain that he stopped.

Don't..please, she begged. Please...don't talk..don't move...

He smile, and this time he manage to move his hand to her face and wipe away her tears.
Don't cry...i'm here...please stop...

She placed her hand on top of his and held it there on her face before she move to kiss the palm of his hand.

I love you...i love you so much...i'm sorry i didn't tell you this earlier but i love you...there is no others for me...only you and you alone...i love you...

I love you too..he said

She kissed him then, pouring all her love, all her worries in that one single kiss...

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