He met her while he was walking to a garden near his house. She was there, running around the garden, so happy, so lovely, a smile always on her face, her eyes bright and clear as the morning sun. He was stunned to see her that he could only stand transfixed just watching at her. Somehow, he knew then that she was the one for him. But how could he approached her? He was just a stranger to her, a nobody but he was sure she was for him. He could feel it in his heart, beating fast and loud, spreading warmth through his whole being.

The morning sun, so warm so bright, made her so happy to just be outside. So waking up that morning and feeling the sun on her skin, she just had to go out to the garden. To just run and basked at the heat. So there she was now, in the ever green garden, running around, kicking at the falling leaves, smiling at the sound of the birds chirping on the trees and the soft crunch made by the leaves under her feet. She twirled enjoying herself, laughing and stop when she saw him. Standing atop a small hill, not far from where she was. He was tall, taller by a few inches from her, with broad shoulder, and well...handsome to the maximum. She stop running around, stop her twirling and smile at him and just waving happily at him.

His heart sped up as he saw her waving at him, with that beautiful smile never leaving her face. He tried to wave back but his body just stop functioning. Work hand...come on work!! But no use, his body just won't move. Then, she started to walk toward him, and his heart beat even faster than he thought it can. Damn...work body work!!!

He looked like he's going to faint any second she thought. Finally, she was standing as close as she thought acceptable and smile at him, before extending her hand for introduction.

Work body...work!!! Damn it! He was frustrated with himself, but then just as he was about to give up and well let her think of him as a lunatic or loco in more ways than one, his body moved. He was so happy and relieved but what he don't understand was that his body - in one instance, his hand grabbed her, but not to shake it but pulled her closer to him so their body touched and well he just kissed her, there!

Great! He thought. I made a bigger fool of myself in front of her but that warm lips of her, so warm so soft...so sweet...taste like heaven to him....

Oh my God! I kissed a lunatic, an unknown lunatic at that and I...I...like it...that was the thought that passed her mind. She shouldn't be liking it and yet..she felt as if it was right. She, him...the kiss she shared with this man...was right even if she don't know him at all...a total stranger...

What is happening to me...

What have i done...

Why do i feel like i was made for him, and he for me...

Why do i even feel deep affection for you...just a stranger smiling at me...
Am i falling in love with you...

Is this what they called love at first sight...

Is this love then...

He pulled away then, breaking the kiss and they just stare at each other eyes...all around them forgotten, only the two of them exist...



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